Acquisition and Interpretation of Modern Open hole Log

The course presents the principles underlying the measurement of various properties of rock sequences penetrated in boreholes and covers the ...

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Production Logging

 Production logging refers to a suite of logs that are normally run on completed injection or production wells to evaluate the performance of the ...

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Cased Hole Formation Evaluation

This course teaches skills necessary to practice the art and science in accurately determining remaining hydrocarbons using modern dual-detector and ...

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Reservoir Characterization: A Multi-Disciplinary Team Approach

The modern team approach to Reservoir Characterization describes productive zones more reliably through the integration of disciplines, technology, ...

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Reliability Engineering

This course is designed to teach reliability engineering skills as they apply to improving process system reliability and developing maintenance ...

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Well Design and Construction

This course gives an overview of the well construction process and an introduction to subsea drilling operations. The goal of the course is to ...

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